Now serving dynamic and static pages

Jan 27, 2003

I was initially against using Blosxom to generate static pages as it would have meant duplication of information on my harddrive. Why should I have countless HTML and RSS files in addition to the TXT versions of my weblog entries? I then thought that it would be nice to generate static pages which played nicely … Read more

On My Mind

Though I never watched it, I'll miss Sun News. Its viewers will now have to scatter to the dark world of right wing blogs.

Tweeted on Feb 12 at 21:19

Recently Read

A Good Problem To Have

Linked on May 5 at 16:08

Terrific piece by Mike Davidson on Apple’s position in the market.

“Until people either start abandoning their products because of this or they do the opposite and adopt their products at a rate which creates a monopoly, they will continue operating at their current clip: high innovation, high profits, and high control. […]

If you … Read more

FSI Language Courses

Linked on Apr 27 at 21:27

The Foreign Services Institute developed audio language courses. These courses are now available in the public domain for free and include some 40 languages so far, including Twi.


Linked on Apr 26 at 17:26

“The logging server itself is a centralized service to which any and all Python code/processes/servers can log messages to. This means that multiple processes can log messages to the same log file without conflict. This concept extends across servers that are running Python processes so long as there is a network connection between those servers. … Read more

The World Bank Data

Linked on Apr 20 at 17:01

The World Bank’s data catalog is open, providing easily-consumable statistics for over 2000 indicators. It’s a fantastic resource with an excellent opportunity for informative visualizations.