While I fully believe that yesterday’s shuttle disaster was an accident, here is something which will likely fuel the conspiracy theorists’ fire. While largely rumoured to have flown in Israel’s 1981 attack on Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor, Ilan Ramon, the Israeli astronaut who died in the shuttle explosion, … Read more
As some of you are probably aware, February is Black History Month. Those of you who are aware of this fact have probably wondered why the shortest, coldest month of the year is devoted to black history. Some of you may have interpreted the choice as yet another example of whitey keeping the black man … Read more
Warren Ellis: Buy against humans. One no longer has to wait until the days of Spider Jerusalem before being able to drink Ebola Cola. You can buy Ebola Cola today! Available from Germany, one case is €359,90, but I will settle for a single bottle (€29,95), or … Read more
Regular readers of my weblog, of which there are few, know that I rarely post entries of a personal nature. However, this is a truly momentous occasion which takes place as I write. I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy! I … Read more
The Globe & Mail: Babying our brains, one adult at a time. I don’t usually agree with Russell Smith, but this time he’s got it right on the money. The culture is becoming infantilized. I’m sure most people know of an adult who has gone ga-ga … Read more