Black History Month

Jan 31, 2003

As some of you are probably aware, February is Black History Month. Those of you who are aware of this fact have probably wondered why the shortest, coldest month of the year is devoted to black history. Some of you may have interpreted the choice as yet another example of whitey keeping the black man … Read more

The best day of the year so far

Jan 30, 2003

Regular readers of my weblog, of which there are few, know that I rarely post entries of a personal nature. However, this is a truly momentous occasion which takes place as I write. I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy! I … Read more

On My Mind

Many behind corporate firewalls use a proxy server which blocks some content. Your web app should fail gracefully if JS or media is blocked.

Tweeted on Feb 24 at 11:08

Building a web app? Part of your testing should involve a proxy server, which may block your JS and media depending on how they are hosted.

Tweeted on Feb 24 at 11:06

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