Feedster does not practice what it preaches

May 27, 2003


If you’d like to use an image you find with Feedster Images, you should remember that it is considered bad blogging form to embed images from other sites in your own blog, thus using their bandwidth for your blog. Check with the author of the blog to see if its [sic] ok and … Read more

On My Mind

Recently Read

Hudson continuous integration: technical and social

Linked on Sep 23 at 6:05

Reinout van Rees’ speaks of how much more visible and enjoyable continuous integration in his office became after he switched from buildbot to Hudson. As a fan of buildbot (lightweight, flexible, easy to set up), I’m skeptical. However, one idea in the article caught my attention. Van Rees’ mentions that enthusiasm increased when they displayed … Read more

An Engineering Mantra: Architecture, What Is It?

Linked on Sep 22 at 16:17

Having recently been promoted to “software architect”, I have slowly been discovering what that role entails. I started assuming a hands-off role with implementation details, only defining the larger picture and the interactions between components. I’m quickly shifting that to a focus as a support and special ops role, clearing the way to a final … Read more