Bad transit map redirect due to hosting upgrade

Sep 13, 2007

On Monday my hosting service moved their servers. Ever since then requests on my site for URLs not ending in a backslash forward to This means that if you access my transit map without including the backslash, the map will refuse to load because of inconsistencies with the Google Maps … Read more

Avoid the honey in coffee shops

Sep 12, 2007

This morning after having bought my coffee, I went to grab the honey from the self-serve area. Noticing it was missing, I checked above the espresso machine to see if it was there. As it wasn’t, I asked someone for it and they went to get a fresh one. Upon his return, he told me … Read more

My day at the Toronto Transit Camp

Feb 5, 2007

I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit that yesterday’s Toronto Transit Camp was my first BarCamp-themed event. I’ve been to a couple DemoCamps, but never to a BarCamp. I’m horrible at gauging attendance, so when a pre-event registration of 80 people was announced, I was somehow envisioning a smaller gathering. Based on my DemoCamp … Read more

On My Mind

Clinton's prepped for personal attacks for 30y. When they come up in the #debate, she will be unfazed. Trumpists will question her humanity.

Tweeted on Oct 9 at 20:48

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Linked on Sep 28 at 4:18

JavaScript is quickly becoming my go-to language where I need basic functionality along with a low barrier to entry for casual developers. Writing Selenium tests in JS seems like a good alternative to a DSL or cumbersome Java tests.

The Slow Way to SPDY

Linked on Sep 26 at 18:34

“[T]here is a partial Python implementation of the v2 [SPDY] draft that has seen some love and works with the current Chrome builds but (and herein lies another kink) only if you disable SSL support explicitly via the command line, which is a pain since it’s rather trivial to get the whole thing to work … Read more