My blog now has tweets

Dec 5, 2008

If you’re following this blog (and if you are, you’re one of the few) you’re probably wondering what’s happened here. I recently changed my blog so that it imports my tweets. I’m not happy with how it looks but it was a quick and painless addition to a stagnating … Read more

What I really want: A command-line preflight tool for PDFs

Feb 27, 2008

Creating PDFs is difficult. Creating PDFs for print is even more difficult. Reportlab does a great job, but it defaults to RGB in most cases. This necessitates some tweaking of both Reportlab code and the code using Reportlab. Testing the result is difficult, mostly because I don’t know of any command-line tools to do … Read more

On My Mind

Trump is uninhibited in this debate, nearly transparent. His pacing, facial expressions, interruptions, and anger reveal all. Like a child.

Tweeted on Oct 9 at 22:22

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Mark Down Isn't a Discount

Linked on Oct 23 at 4:01

Server crashes mean so much more than lost data; it’s lost income, loss of reputation and lost time spent cleaning up the mess. Availability is crucial. But not all availabilities are equal. Should a loss of a data store mean goods can’t be sold?

Dan Pritchard argues that in the absence of data, replies … Read more

logstash - open source log management

Linked on Oct 9 at 16:22

While I generally feel that log parsing is the least sophisticated mechanism for monitoring an application, often no other option exists. Logstash is an open source tool for parsing and displaying information in logs. It could be a free replacement for some functionality provided by commercial tools such as Splunk. MapReduce on Python

Linked on Oct 1 at 6:50 is a Python implementation of the MapReduce distributed computing framework. Define map and reduce functions, add as attributes to a server object, execute results. All in 13k of Python code. Clients can be added/removed as needed. I tested this with one node on a different machine. It worked as advertised, although seemed slow. The … Read more