What an election, Toronto!

Nov 13, 2003

After almost a year, the Toronto election is finally over. And what an election it was! We were blessed with five leading candidates who had it all: experience, notoriety, charisma, strong (and oftentimes differing) political platforms, intelligence, and a passion for the city. Hell, if we could have somehow fused the best parts of each … Read more

Imposing the silence

Nov 12, 2003

I was lamenting to a co-worker today that Canadians, by and large, do not reflect much on the significance of Remembrance Day. For most, it causes no interruption. Should you happen to be on the subway which stops for the two minutes of silence, certainly. Otherwise, you might go through the day unawares. Read more

Lest we forget

Nov 11, 2003

For me, the early days in November are some of the year’s most sorrowful. The first days of autumn have taken their course, felling the brown leaves from their trees, covering the green life of the grass and revealing death in the stark branches. The cold of the coming winter is in the air, but … Read more

On My Mind

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Hudson plugin developers request to be removed as component leads for their plugins

Linked on Feb 16 at 22:19

On a thread on the dev@hudson.java.net mailing list, many Hudson plugin developers posted public requests to be removed as component leads for those plugins. Requested plugins include: downstream-ext, instant-messaging, jabber, ircbot, console-column, dropdown-viewstabbar, dumpinfo-buildwrapper, cifs-publisher, batch-task, build-timeout, concurrent-build, ec2, emma, gant, hadoop, mercurial, persona, sauce-ondemand, script-realm, selenium, ssh-slaves, svnmerge, swarm, global-build-statsscm-sync-configuration, and clearcase.