Archive for January, 2003

XHTML 2.0: No cite for you

Jan 13, 2003

Dive Into Mark: Semantic Obsolescence. Mark is pissed about the removal of the cite tag from XHTML 2.0 and, frankly, so am I. However, bear in mind that XHTML 2.0 is still a working draft, so there’s still time for cite to be added back in. Mark isn’t the only one who … Read more

Bill Maher is back!

Jan 9, 2003

The Globe & Mail: Maher still politically incorrect.

And yes, big surprise, Maher still stands by his original 9/11 statement: “As far as what I said and patriotic fervour, to me that was patriotic. To me a real patriot is like a real friend. Who’s your real friend? It’s the … Read more